

People killed 


People injured


Residential units damaged

0 of 35

Hospitals partially operational


Places of worship damaged


Educational facilities damaged

Raising the Voices for Peace


Places of worship damaged


Educational facilities damaged

What we are doing

Words of wisdom of his Holiness and events to promote Voices for Peace

What must happen

Implementation of permanent cease fire

Protecting the innocent victims

Critical need for justice

Major powers must support de-escalation

Help us make a difference

In aid of the humanitarian efforts in Gaza – Support and Donate NOW

Raise your Voice For Peace

His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad has reminded us once again to reach out to the politicians and raise our voices regarding the war in Palestine, the loss of innocent lives, and the urgent need for a permanent cease-fire.

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2 Decades of Warnings: The Need for Peace

A montage of videos from His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad’s continued about world peace and warnings to the world leaders for de-escalating the conflicts and situations.

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Raising the United Voices for Peace- Guidance from His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad

Extract from the Friday sermon of His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, highlighting the need for prayers for the Palestinians and the the responsibilities that need to be fulfilled by everyone for this cause.

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Services rendered by Sir Zafar ullah Khan for the Palestinian cause

A short video created by AMYA UK highlighting the services rendered by the first Foreign minister and the Judge of the International Court of Justice, Sir Muhammad Zafarullah Khan, for the cause of Palestinian people.